We had a great program with updates from Kim and Marge in regards to what is happening at the Storehouse in Custer. The number of meals, and working in assisting Feeding South Dakota has resulted in increased meals for those in need. It was stressed that donations to the Storehouse that folks drop by that are basically junk, that people should think of if their mother in law has no need for it, that it should be discarded to waste, rather than dump it off at the Storehouse, where volunteers, then have to discard those items. People are urged to use common sense, and don't bring junk in that can not be utilized.
Marge commented on the increase of assistance they are providing at Buffalo Gap, which is dear to her heart, since that's where her mother's grandparents homesteaded many years ago. Kim and Marge thanked all those volunteers that have assisted with the loading and unloading of food to the Storehouse, including those from Custer Rotary that have made a big difference. Thanks Marge and Kim for what you do to make this a better community to live in.

We welcomed Stacey, and Mark from Rushmore Rotary Club, representing the District Raffle Committee, and challenged the club to buy one more book to help with the Foundation through the District Raffle. Stacey, (works for Hope Haven), also updated the club on what's going on in regards to plans for wheelchair distributions, and participation with Rotary Clubs, and what Clubs can do to assist Hope Haven in their mission to provide wheelchairs for those without mobility. Also updated us on the working with Rotary to supply wheelchairs to the Rosebud Indian Reservation.
Thanks Stacey and Mark,