District Gov. Rich Burns, shares with the Custer Rotary Club some of his areas of focus, such as suggestion of a signiture project, and revamping the District website to include small video clips from clubs. He shared also some thoughts on participation, and membership. He commented on the Rotary International Presidents focus on erasing the stigma of mental health, and staying focused on eradicating Polio, hand how important it is to continue working for eradication.
DG Burns also reminded us of the 7 areas of focus for Rotary.
- Promoting peace. Rotary encourages conversations to foster understanding within and across cultures. ...
- Fighting disease. ...
- Providing clean water, sanitation, and hygiene. ...
- Saving mothers and children. ...
- Supporting education. ...
- Growing local economies. ...
- Protecting the environment.
Thanks for the insight DG Burns!!
DG Rich Burns presenting Custer Rotary Club President Rob McWhorter this years Presidential Banner, " Create Hope in the World"

DG Burns and wife Kelly receiving a gift from Custer Senior Center staff, Director Jodi Niksic, and Board member Janet Woytossek for the grant which allowed Custer Rotary to assist in getting the elevator for the Custer Senior Center.

DG Rich Burns and Custer Rotary President Rob McWhorter, presents a check for $500 from Custer Rotary Club to Custer YMCA Director ( and Custer Rotary Member) Rex Jorgensen!